I am done! Well, until tomorrow morning at least. The sides are done, the pies are done, and the turkey is waiting to be prepared in the morning!! I will make the stuffing in the morning also! I love Thanksgiving and these pies sitting on the counter are a horrible temptation. Mom already asked if since we get one present on Christmas Eve couldn't we have one slice of pie on Thanksgiving Eve? Ha! Umm, that would be a big FAT NO!! I am so mean! lol
The pecan cream cheese pie I have been making for several years now. I got the original recipe from Paula Deen but have found a recipe that I like even better and started making that one a couple years ago. It is the funniest pie in the house. Everyone has always said it is not their favorite but I think that is because it is not the typical pecan, pumpkin, or apple pie. It is always the first one gone. Yeah right it isn't their favorite! They have been found out! For the past two years I have made two of these each Thanksgiving and they are both gone before the others are! Now everyone admits how great it is!! Maybe it was the recipe change though.
I got this recipe from my Some Like it South cookbook. The only change I make is I add a little more vanilla to both layers. I am obsessed with vanilla. Evidently Hanni is too because she helped make it today and poured alot more than I ever had! It will be great though!

If you like cheese cake and you like pecan pie this is the perfect pie!!
Pecan Cream Cheese Pie
1 9-inch deep-dish pastry shell
3 ounces finely chopped pecans
1 8-ounce package softened cream cheese
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg
2 tsp. vanilla (I put 2 1/2 to 3, like I said, I love vanilla!)
3 eggs
3/4 cup light corn syrup
2 tbsp. sugar
1tsp vanilla (I use 2 tsp.)
Preheat oven 375. Bake pastry shell for 10 minutes and then cool.
In a food processor, using steel blade, chop pecans (I use and knife and cutting board). Set aside pecans. Process the cream cheese, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 egg, and vanilla with steel blade until smooth (I use a mixer and mix it. It doesn't get as smooth but I don't have time to mess with the processor over Thanksgiving. The mixer works fine for me).
In another mixing bowl beat 3 eggs, corn syrup, 2 tbsp. sugar, and vanilla until well mixed (I use the wisk).
Pour cream cheese mixture into pastry shell, spread evenly. Sprinkle with pecans. Stir corn syrup mix again and carefully pour through a fork over pecans. This makes for a smoother pour and keeps it all from shifting, esp. the pecans. Bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes or until set. Serve chilled and enjoy!!!