14 weeks
How far along?
14 weeks
Weight gain?
Not going to go there!!!!
Maternity clothes?
Some when I go out. I usually wear sweats or jammies at the house.
Stretch marks?
Only the ones that my other babies gave me. No new ones though.
I'd love some please! Actually I usually go to bed by 10-11 and wake up once to go potty. Although I usually go to bed that late because I going potty all evening! I wake up by 5 usually (not by choice!). I then have to take a nap each day! I love sleep and am tired all the time and would love to sleep all the time but mornings I can't!!
Best moment this week?
Hearing the heartbeat and getting set up with my next appt at a different doctor where we will hopefully find out the sex and get put on progesterone shots instead of this other progesterone I have to take daily!
Food cravings?
Yes! My cravings change from day to day but I am always "hungry"! I always want to eat!!! Most cravings are for the most unhealthy of foods though!
Hopefully we will find out at the next appt. Not sure how that visit is going to work though.
Belly button?
Still in.
I got some fluttering last week and will feel just some slight movement every now and then but not on a regular basis yet. I can't wait till it is on daily basis!
What I miss?
Energy and being happy go lucky all the time! I am always worried and in a weird mood half the time!
What I'm looking forward to?
Well, what we all look forward to, holding our little one for the first time. I am also looking forward to finding out the sex and start planning the colors and scheme!!
I am so excited to have hit 14 weeks. I am now out of the first trimester and able to do a little more although I am supposed to be still taking it easy!! I am hoping some of this tiredness will let up but if not I'm ok with that. I am not cramping as much and most days feel great! I go in two weeks on the 22nd to a new doctor to get put on weekly progesterone shots and hopefully an ultrasound to find out the gender but not quite sure how this works. I don't know if they will do the ultrasound then or schedule one. I am really hoping it is in two weeks!! I am currently just truly thankful and feel like God has blessed us so much with our new little one!!
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