This was my parents rule for me when I was growing up and I loved it! Even as a teen I would wait patiently for my parents to be ready for me and then go out.
I already had coffee made and breakfast laid out so it wasn't a long wait.
We just did danishes and cinnamon rolls this year instead of a casserole and it was so much easier. We all sat around and ate and then it was stocking time! When we do stockings we just do some candy and fun little toys for the kids. Nothing really big just fun junk. Then we got to the presents!! Some of the big ones were unwrapped and they had already seen them. The family got a computer and printer. Eli got a bike and Hanni got an electric bike that hooks up the the tv. Also Hanni got a doll house which was already put together. She tried to play with it while waiting for stocking clean up. Hanni loved it!!
There was a ton of cool stuff this year! My favorite presents were the games. We got so many new games between all of us! I'd like to start playing more board games as a family so talk about perfect!
We always play games around Christmas but then the rest of the year we never do. I think I am going to make a family game night!
All in all it was a great Christmas!! We had so much fun and celebrated for several days after by not getting out of our pj's! Perfect family time!!! I am not ready for it to end but today is New Years Eve and another adventure is around the corner!!
what a great holiday!! We love board games at our house, too!