Our spring break has been great!! The big girls got to go to the beach with our neighbor from Sun.-Wed. and they had a blast! While the big kiddos were gone the littles and I decided we were going to have some fun too and have somewhat of a staycation. We did do some work, but we had fun too.

These pictures were after our hard morning of work Monday morning. We took a huge pile of branches and some logs out of the front yard. Randy cut down a few trees there and we put fruit trees instead but to put the fruit trees in we had to clear out the cut trees. The kids and I had a lot of fun doing the work though.

Hanni has played a lot of dress up this past week! She even included her's and Gracie's stuffed animals!
On Monday afternoon, after we finished our tree removal, we went to Chick-fil-a and got food to bring home. We really worked up and appetite and I was too tired to eat in so we brought food home to mom and daddy. We got banana pudding milkshakes as a treat and what a great treat it was. Then the kids and I curled up for a rest time. Hanni ended up going to her room for more dress up while Eli watched a movie and I slept a little.
Monday afternoon we went to Lowes, the flower place, and to get some strawberries. The kiddos helped me pick out some flowers for the yard and a couple pots on the porch and at Lowes we got soil and a blue light bulb for the front porch so we could light the house blue for Autism Awareness. We all really had a great time!
Monday night Randy got into the house work, planted one of our trees and taught Eli how to take bark off logs. On Tues. he mentioned that he wants to learn to whittle wood so I guess I have to do research. I know it is a soothing activity so it may be right up his alley!

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had laid back days. My dear friend Amber came over on Tuesday and it was so good to catch up. She has been planning her wedding so we haven't seen each other as much. I am looking forward to summer when we can see alot of each other!
It was just so nice to have some down time in the beginning of the week.
Wed. night the girls came home and boy were they excited and had so many stories to share.
Thursday I had two doctors appts. They both went well and they are watching the baby for cord flow which has a little resistance but hasn't changed so that is actually good. If it changes and gets more resistance they have to watch even closer but so far so good!!! Praying it keeps going good! The baby gets another weight check next week. I can't believe I have less than ten weeks left!
Yesterday, Gracie and I went out for some secret missions.

It was so nice to get out with just Gracie and we had so much fun! We got Easter stuff and today she is going to assist in egg decorating! So proud of the young lady she is becoming!!!
We came home to a big play day for all the kiddos (and came home to this little diva).

Our neighbor dressed her up like a rock star! We have had such a great week and I am looking forward to the weekend! Egg dying, egg hunts, the bunny comes and lots of garden work!! What a fun spring!!!