21 1/2 weeks
Weight gain?
I go to the doctor next week and they will weigh me! I feel like I am carrying this baby all over though! lol
Maternity clothes?
Stretch marks?
No new ones but I feel the stretch sometimes on my skin. Piling on the lotion!!!
I am more active now but can't sleep in the early mornings still. I do need a nap still some days.
Best moment this week?
We are painting the house and all the kids worked together to do Grandpa and Grandma's room on Monday! It was awesome to watch!!!
Food cravings?
Just about anything. I feel like I am always hungry!!!
Belly button?
Still in but I can see it changing shape.
Yes, the kiddos and Randy have felt it too!! Kicking more and more!!! Even woke me up one day!
What I miss?
Nothing really except energy!
What I'm looking forward to?
Still haven't started baby shopping but have definitely been looking at what we need and such. So excited to get some things!!!