So yesterday was Eli’s big day. We had to be at the hospital at 6 am! We went back and forth about a hundred times over what to do with the little boys. In the end, they wanted to be there to support their brother even if it was just from the waiting room. I packed up a school bag, a toy bag, blankets, and other essentials we might need. Hanni was amazing! When we had to be back with Eli she kept the kids in the waiting room without complaint and they were so great for her! Eli was just ready to get it all over with. I was surprised they got him back so fast! I remember with Gracie we waited a few hours after her scheduled time for her to get back.

This is Eli before surgery! While he was in surgery we went down to the cafe to get breakfast to bring up to the waiting room. After eating Carp did schoolwork, Hanni divided to watch The Office, and I read to Joel and he played with Legos. He was in surgery about 3 hours and everything went well! The Dr did say his knee was a mess but it’s now all fixed up and we are just praying the recovery is easy!

Waiting room pics!
Eli was in recovery for about an hour where Randy and Hanni took turns. I stayed with him to hear all the post op instructions.
Last night was not quite as easy as the hospital. Carp was wired with energy. Joel was in full meltdown tired mode by 4:30 and asleep by 5:30. At least he slept through the night! Eli didn’t make it to his bed coming in the house but literally passed out on Randy right by our bed so we got him to our bed where he stayed several hours watching tv. He finally decided to go to his bed and had enough energy to make it! Yay! Hanni immediately came home and crashed! We were exhausted! Randy went out for Eli’s prescriptions and food which we were all so grateful for!

Eli leaving the hospital and the two of us waiting for food exhausted!
After a good night sleep we are up and still tired! Lol. It was a long day yesterday. Today Eli starts therapy at 3 in Spartanburg. I’m looking forward to that being done and we can relax this weekend! So, how’s Eli doing? Great! He does have a nerve block and pain ball attached to his leg right now so I’m sure that’s helping! He’s in typical Eli’s happy spirits. He gets cold easily but a lot of that is the ice machine they have hooked up to him.
He was very complimentary to the nurses yesterday when coming off anesthesia which is so him! He told me to tell Hannah she sucks when they were wheeling him back to surgery which she loved hearing! 🤷♀️🙄. I’m guessing that’s a compliment to them? He says he’s not really in any pain just itchy. He’s not a fan of the nerve block because it’s a purse with a big ball that he has to maneuver around and it’s hard to get comfortable with it constantly under his arm but I told him that’s why he has no pain so he’s dealing with it. Other than that, he’s doing great! We are thankful Randy is home until the weekend to help out as well!!