Ok, so I’m going to try again at this blogging thing! The truth is I really love my blog. I do! Now that we are getting back into the swing of our “new normal” I just feel it’s the right time to get back to it. I updated my about me section and boy do times change! Wow! People change! It’s amazing how life truly changes people, interests, and just life in general! My main interests are still the same though. The roots that make me who I am and who we are as a family are still strong. God, family, friends, and Christmas! Lol. The way our family looks is definitely different, kids have grown, some have moved out, others have started school, two are on there final few years before graduation. Friends have changed. God has stayed the same! He is so good!!
So, what is happening recently? We are homeschooling our whole crew this year!!! Eli’s in 10th grade, Hanni’s in 9th, Carpender’s in 2nd, and Joel is in 5k! It is a big span! We are loving it! I love the family time it’s created and watching the kids learn and grow!
Eli dislocated his kneecap in January at Big Air, a trampoline park, and it’s been loose ever since. On Labor Dau he dislocated it again so they will be doing surgery on Wednesday to repair his knee. It is a pretty tough surgery with a very long recovery so we are gearing up for that this weekend. He loves tea so we got him a big selection of coffees and teas and put the keurig in his room by his bed so he can make teas and coffee as he would like. He also has his little fridge and freezer in there for drinks and to keep his water bottles frozen for his ice machine. They send home an ice machine for his knee that he will need those for. Perfect set up for him!!! I’m starting to go into mom worry mode! I was at peace until a few days ago but now I’m starting to worry and panic more. I’m trying to remember to trust in God!!
Have you heard of the Misfits vegetable box? Oh my! I signed up last week and we got our box on Friday! What amazing surprises! I asked about it and was encouraged by what others had to say so we tried it out. We got the large box every other week. It is basically all fruits and veggies they can’t sell in stores for various reasons. Too many, not enough, too big, too small, funny shaped. My main reason for trying this out was price. $35 for a large box. Second, I want my family to eat more vegetables and I want us to try things we wouldn’t normally try. We got fennel, radishes, and spaghetti squash. Now, Randy wants to do keto and if I am doing whole 30 I will get spaghetti squash. I have bought fennel before but nobody liked it so I probably would not buy it again for the family. We actually grow fennel but I never dig it up because my family just does not like it. So now I am researching ways to prepare it that my family will like it. I can’t stand radishes but again, I am researching ways to prepare them that we will like them. Evidently you can roast them and it takes the spiciness out. I’m excited to try that. I hated brussels sprouts for a long time until I learned how to prepare them properly. I am so excited about this box because it is not only going to help our family to try new things but help me to be able to prepare these things so maybe my family will learn to like new vegetables!! They are all organic too!!

This is a pic of our table covered in goodness! Joel, who loves vegetables and fruit, was thinking it was his birthday! We got spaghetti squash, green peppers, radishes, cucumbers, Brussel sprouts, pears, apples, lemons, yellow squash, grape tomatoes, onions, lettuce, oranges, fennel, yup, we are going to be eating good!
Here’s a link if you want to try your own box!!