I think I am the worst person in the world to have a blog! I did very well at keeping it up for a while but then didn't post for a year and a half!! I have been very busy though. We did have a baby boy!! Carpender McTighe Horton.
Ok, that was 17 months ago! Here's is our little monkey now!
He is an absolutely amazing kiddo! I love this boy! I know I sound just like a mom but I mean it! He is so awesome!! And Fuuunnnn!!
We have been through a lot in the past year in a half though. As much fun as we have had with adding Carpender to our lives it has been a hard time too as we have had to say goodbye to my daddy.

This is one of the last pictures we have of daddy and it is of him and Carpender! He loved "the baby". My daddy was an amazing man and it has been so hard with him gone but I know he is in a better place and am so comforted by that!
We also said hello and goodbye to Gilbert Gabriel Horton this year. On June 18 Randy and I had a baby boy at 21 weeks. We were prepared for our loss and knew what to expect when we gave birth to our baby boy. Our baby had a severe heart defect and we knew with the particular heart defect that our baby had it was for the best. My body was in the early signs of labor at our 20 week ultrasound and things were progressing. It actually was five days later that I had Gilbert. It was a sad time but also a special time.
As far as everything else, we are very busy with activities each day it seems! I love days I can just relax but they are few and far between!! The kids are growing like weeds! I am bound and determined to keep up better with my blog!!
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