Life has been busy! What's new?! Hanni turned 9 earlier this month!! I can't believe my baby girl is 9 years old!!! We just had a small family celebration with presents and cake before Randy had to work that night.
It was so bittersweet since next year my baby will be double digits!!
Randy had a surprise weekend off! His schedule got changed this week and he told me Tuesday he'd be off for the weekend which worked out perfectly since we had tickets to Passion:LTFB Tour stopping at our church Saturday evening!!! What an amazing evening with the family and being able to worship God! Kristian Stanfill was awesome and to see so many young people come together to worship was just so awesome!! We also got to sit with some pretty great friends of the girls!! I just love my girls friends as much as they do!! I am so thankful that God has placed each and everyone of the people in my kids lives that He has! It is so neat to see the relationships grow and even look back and remember having those same people in my lives just different faces and how blessed I also was as a kid!

Randy, Carpender and I
Randy, Eli, Carpender and I
Sweet Jessica and Hanni bug
You wouldn't know it by the picture but Hanni was miserable at the concert! She was sick but we didn't know it until after. She was just not herself the whole night so I took her temp when I got home and it was a low fever. Poor baby!! She bounced back quickly by the next afternoon but I felt horrible for her!!

This is Gracie and me after the concert. It was late and we were tired. We were driving all over town looking for Maryjo because we were going to pick her up! Umm, can we say it was loud in there and miscommunications all over the board!! Oh and I should have pick up my phone and called her after the concert!! Oh well, Gracie and I had fun and Maryjo got home, finally!! Ha!!
The next morning we had to be at the church bright and EARLY!! It was rough!! Gracie had a performance for Elevate Student Choir!! I have to say these kids are awesome!!!
Sunday afternoon we carved pumpkins!
How fun!! Our oven went out Saturday and I usually make snacks while the family carves each year. This year I had to make fried dough instead of pretzel balls! So good though!! So unhealthy but So Good!! Fortunately, our oven was fixed yesterday, thanks to my amazing husband!!!
So yes, it has been busy but fun!! I am loving the fall weather but now I am wondering where it went!! We got hit with cooler weather last week and now it is warm again!! Come on cold weather!!